Thursday, 2 December 2010

29 weeks pregnant and not looking forward to Christmas

You know there is something wrong when I'm not looking forward to Christmas! I don't like the freezing cold we are having, we are due to go to Elgin for Christmas but who knows if we will even make it up there. Hubby is travelling to America next week and I have my fingers crossed he doesn't get delayed on the way home due to the weather.

I on the other hand have spent weeks indoors avoiding the cold unless I need to go out. Although warm I'm going completely insane! I have just over 10 weeks left till little Wu is due, then however many days late baby decided to be! My husband said it was like Christmas but you just didn't know when it was going to come. I feel it's more like Easter cos I actually never know when it's going to come! I'm getting slightly grumpy and over emotional these days, backache and not being able to get out the bath by myself is starting to take it's toll! I actually enjoy being pregnant, waking up in the morning and feeling little Wu give a stretch is nice, when I feel a bit down I'm reminded I'm not alone.

However I am getting annoyed at the little digs people are having regarding the fact I don't work. I was at uni doing nursing and being pregnant meant no point in looking for a job, who wasn't to hire a pregnant nurse when no one even wants to employ a fit healthy one! Perhaps I'm being over sensitive. Anyway I've a monkey to stick in the microwave to keep me warm :)